In Reflection
It’s the simple things that I want to do more of.
Breathing, smiling, noticing, listening, pausing and being fully present in my body. More often. I want to be aware of when my heart opens, when a giggle is starting in my belly and also when my shoulders are tired and my jaw is clenched. When I remember to check in with my body I am able to allow what is happening and support the experience. Whatever the experience is at the moment.
I can remember a time when full days, weeks and months had gone by as I lived on a version of “automatic pilot”. As long as a bunch of items on a list were being crossed off, I assumed that I was living. I still keep lists, but it is easier to recognize when I am “Doing” vs. “Being”. I remember several Decembers when I would try hard to remember where the year had gone. Indeed, there was “evidence” that I had done good things, visited great places and been connected to others in celebration and in difficult times. Unfortunately, I could not easily recall the moments that I’d been in connection with myself.
I’ve lived, accomplished goals, moved through challenges, created beautiful things, engaged in life-giving conversation and discourse. I’ve led, followed, welcomed and released. One constant in life has been my use of the pen to help me process and understand my experience. Many of you who will read this already understand the value of processing and integrating our experience through writing and reflection. I will post short reflections periodically and when inspiration dictates.
Thank you for joining me as I contemplate and reflect on how I am adding to my journey to support health and the creative expression that naturally flows from intention and modest action. Our journey is co-created, one step at a time and I hope that you are encouraged to invite more simple things into your life. With gratitude, let us begin!
In health,
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